Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

How To Increase Your Adsense Earnings

There are many blogger who use adsense as their primary earning. But, get some money in google adsenses is not easy as we  read on the other blog. Many people said "It is very easy to get money from adsense", but "many people" who said like that is the master of adsense. So, you must work "hard" to get more money from adsense.
There are many things what you must to do to incerase your google adsense earning. For the example, you must have many visitor. To has many visitor is not easy, we must do "BlogWalking", Search Engine Optomation (SEO), make interesting articles, and many other. But, i have 5 fundamental ways how to increase adsense earning and you should do it.
Here are the ways :
  1. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links. They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage.
  2. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site.
  3. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly. You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings.
  4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site.
  5. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as "adsense text", and upload it to the root directory of the web server. Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website.
  6. Possibly a sneaky tactic, but when I put ads in the content of an article I tend to place some of them in places where they can be “accidentally” clicked on…….oops! Like right above the line of text that says “click here for rest of article.” But of course, I didn’t say that because I would never suggest this sort of unconventional tactic. (lol)
You must remember, do not make fraud clicks on your adsense, it can make you were banned by google, and then you will lost your alternative jobs. The ways that i told to you is legal ways. so, you can follow my direction.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Bisnis waralaba AlfaMart

Information Summary
Founded : 1999Industry : Retail
Website : http://alfamartku.comContact : Alfamart Waralaba
Phone : 021 – 5575 5966Fax : 021 – 55755961
E-mail : – no data -
Address : JI. M.H. Thamrin No. 9 Cikokol Tangerang 15117, Indonesia
Estimated Investment : Rp. 300 Million
As the competitor from Indomart, Alfamart offers Franchise / Waralaba in Indonesia, specialized in Retail Store. There are already so many alfamart outlets in many cities in Indonesia. You can be the one of them, they give opportunities to open new outlet in your area.
Alfamart have many kinds of products that required by many people, especially family products. You can contact the franchise department to ask the detailed information about the franchise opportunities.
Advantages to become Franchisee :
- Location survey and store design planning
- Clear Target Market
- Selected Quality Products
- Supplies 100% from Alfamart
- Help to Select and Train the Staff
- Administration and Accounting System from Alfamart
- Promotion Support
- Guidance, Operational Support, Supervision and Consultation for 5 years
- Included in Alfamart Network
Requirements :
- Individual / Corporation
- Indonesian / WNI
- Already or will own a place for business with 80 m2 size
- Passed the Licensing Requirements
- Agree to follow the system and procedure from Alfamart
Steps to become Franchisee :
- Presentation 1
- Location Suggestion
- Accepted
- Presentation 2
- Franchise Agreement

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Promoting Your Business On Facebook in 4 Easy Steps.

Most businesses and professionals have gotten the message that Facebook can be a powerful channel to promote their products and services, engage with customers, and strengthen their brand.
Given its community of over 400 million users and climbing, it's no wonder why most major businesses and brands now have a presence on Facebook.
However, many self-marketers are a little uncertain about how to begin.  Here are some practical, first steps to help you get started promoting your business on Facebook.

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

How to Create a Facebook Page for Your Business

The social networking site Facebook is used by more than 150,000,000 million people to share personal information with friends online. With those kinds of numbers, you knew it would be belong until businesses saw the potential. If you're looking to tap the marketing potential of Facebook, you can create free Facebook Business pagesleveraging Facebook business options can provide a new channel for you to interact with your customers At the same time these pages, called Public Profiles, can also help you acquire new customers as your Facebook fans spread the word about your business to their friends.
In this Facebook how-to guide we will walk through the steps to create your own Facebook Public Profile (also called a Fan page).

Getting Started:

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

VCC (Virtual Credit card)

Apakah anda sudah mempunyai account paypal? Apa sich paypal? berikut informasi lengkap tentang paypal disini atau disini! Persyaratan utama untuk mempunyai acount paypal adalah : anda harus mempunyai karu kredit! Oo.. ternyata anda tidak punya, gampang! Anda bisa bikin karu kredit virtual (Virtual Credit card / VCC). Berikut langkah - langkah bagi anda yang tidak mempunyai kartu kredit, tapi membutuhkan account paypal yang sudah dapat diakses dari Indonesia:
  1. Gunakan Virtual Credit Card untuk Nomor Kartu Kredit anda.
  2. Silakan Register di paypal disini!
PayPal ada 3 (tiga) jenis, sesuai dengan fungsi dasarnya.
  1. Personal (pribadi), gunanya hanya untuk membayar transaksi secara satu arah, tidak bisa menerima dana dari orang lain.
  2. Premier (primer), gunanya untuk transaksi bisnis dua arah. Artinya, anda bisa membayar, dan juga menerima dana PayPal dari orang lain. Selain itu, dana PayPal yang masuk ke anda, bisa dicairkan ke bank lokal dengan akun primer ini. Primer hanya memiliki 1 login, bersifat perseorangan.
  3. Business (bisnis), akun ini sama dengan primer, tapi memiliki kelebihan yaitu login usernya bisa lebih dari 1 orang. Biasanya akun bisnis ini dipakai dalam perusahaan yang memiliki beberapa orang share holde.
Apakah PayPal harus verifiedd? Tentu saja. Silakan anda baca keterangan di bawah ini:
"The Verification process is a way for PayPal to gain additional proof of a member's identity in conjunction with our own authentication methods, and increases the security of our payment network for everyone."
Apa itu VCC?
  1. VCC (Virtual Credit card) adalah nomor kartu kredit yang sengaja dibuat di bank online untuk keperluan transaksi online. Tidak ada bentuk fisik dari VCC. VCC memiliki data yang sama dengan CC, yaitu: jenis kartu, 16 digit nomor kartu, expiry date dan 3 digit kode keamanan.
  2. Jika anda tidak memiliki CC untuk verifikasi PayPal, anda bisa menggunakan VCC sebagai pengganti. VCC Indonesia hanya digunakan untuk verifikasi PayPal, bukan untuk bertransaksi.
Silakan daftarkan daftar disini untuk mendapatkan VCC (Virtual Credit Card).

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Adding Adsense in a single post

This trick may be you already know, but I try to write back again. You already know how to display adsense in the post, now I try to give a few tips how to display adsense into post, but on a single post only. Before you already know that display adsense in the post will improve the CTR (click through rate) that will more generate income adsense to you. 

well now that I want to share is, how to display adsense in the post only on the posting of the selected course, adsense will not appear in the main page (home page) and pages in the archive (archive).

Well if so, we further tips that hopefully useful to all

Showing Adsense In Posts On A Single Post

I didn't want this ad unit to appear on the home page or on archive pages.

It would be easy enough to do this in WordPress / PHP, but I had no idea how to customize a Blogger template. I consulted Blogger's Help facility and found a list of Layouts Data Tags, which let me see what could be done. Despite the options being fairly limited, I found the answer I needed: The pageType tag, which can have a value of 'item', 'archive' or 'index'.

My XML coding skills are a little rusty, but thankfully it wasn't hard to work out how to include some HTML based on the type of page:

This says: If it's a single post, include the HTML (obviously you have to put it in). So single posts (pageType of item) will display the HTML, but the home page (pageType of index) and archive pages (pageType of archive) will not.

Applying this to our Adsense problem, here is the full code you need (with the publisher specific information removed). Use this instead of the code in the Adsense Within Posts section above. The first and last lines should already exist in the template, the rest is what you're adding. 

Of course, this means that only two Adsense units will be shown on the home page. If you're doing things properly, most of your visitors should arrive on single posts, via the search engines, so this solution's good enough for me.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010


Marketing is useless if you don't have a good 'product'. Here are five ways to ensure you do.

Provide something unique: There are so many blogs out there, even if you're writing brilliantly, you won't attract an audience if someone who's already more widely-read is writing on the same subjects. First-hand accounts or data, original research, surveys, original ideas, original graphics or photos or artwork, all help establish your uniqueness.World O'Crap, one of the newest and yet most popular Salon blogs, is written by a liberal who almost exclusively frequents right-wing conservative blogs and news sites, catches them in lies and exaggerations and inconsistencies, and then writes biting, hilarious satire about them. Unique, brilliant, and very funny.

Provide something valuable: Give readers a high 'return on their investment' in reading your blog by (a) entertaining them, (b) teaching or helping them to do something (lessons learned etc.), (c) informing them about something they need to know about, (d) giving them a 'take-away' (checklist, great quote, useful tool, etc. -- something that will cause them to immediately bookmark or blogroll or write about your site and revisit it often), (e) saving them time (distilling something down, analyzing it, researching it), or (f) providing deep insight about what something means (great graphics can help do this).

Be first: The first person to write about a particular topic will probably get a large share of traffic about it. Even if a more popular blog picks up on it, they're likely to link to you and send even more readers your way. First-hand accounts, on-the-spot photos, comments from people who were at the scene of breaking news all make fascinating reading. Even the first reviews and synopses of new movies and books usually attract a lot of attention.

Do your research: Invest time to learn as much as possible about what you're going to write about. Spend much more time reading and researching than you do writing. Check your facts. Learn to use search engines powerfully, so no time is wasted looking for just the right information. Don't neglect primary research -- stuff you get from offline sources like real people, in-depth television reports, people you can call or survey to get information that isn't available on the Web. Always cite and if possible link to your sources. Dig for great finds, stuff that isn't on the first page of the Google results, information that you need to go through multiple links to find, information embedded in the many databases that are online but aren't Googled at all. And never lie or exaggerate.

Learn to write very well: Master the art of story-telling. Learn to be brief without being too dense. Write in a conversational, accessible, friendly style. Eschew obscure and intimidating words, like 'eschew' (it means 'avoid' ;-) Ask people you trust to comment on your writing style. Use point form, examples, restatements for clarity. Be natural. Learn the 39 steps for story-writing; most of them apply to non-fiction, too. Have fun, be loose, show your emotion.

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Cara Instant meningkatkan alexa rank untuk Sponsored Reviews

Kalau seandainya blog anda merupakan blog untuk monetize atau untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet dengan mengikuti program paid to Reviews, salah satunya Sponsored Reviews, Alexa Rank adalah salah satu factor penentu web/blog anda di terima oleh program PTR tersebut. karena apa?
Alexa bekerja berdasarkan agregrat data history, dari para pengguna toolbar alexa dan penggunaan lainnya, yakni dengan melihat traffic, page view serta pencarian apakah ada perubahan bila dibandingkan dengan 3 bulan sebelumnya. Sehingga penting sekali untuk terus meningkatkan alexa rank tersebut dari waktu ke waktu. Karena alexa ini system penilaianya berdasarkan pencarian agregat data serta page view maka ada cara mudah yang dapat mempercepat ranking alexa anda meningkat ( nilai rank semakin kecil semakin baik) yaitu dengan cara:

1. Memasang tool bar alexa itu sendiri pada browser yang anda gunakan
download toolbar alexa untuk Internet explorer
download toolbar alexa untuk mozilla

2. Mengatur homepage browser dengan alamat blog/situs anda sendiri, sehingga setiap anda memulai koneksi internet halaman yang pertama yang diakses adalah halaman situs anda.
3. Percantik blog atau situs anda dengan widget miliknya, selain untuk aksesories juga untuk memberikan nilai tambah kepada alexa itu sendiri dalam mengakses situs anda.
4. Membuat Review mengenai Alexa itu sendiri.

Make Money Blogging with Pay Per Post.

Pay Per Post is one of the many ways in which bloggers can earn money  with their blogs. One attractive feature that Pay Per Post has is that it offers several ways for a blogger to earn.

Option I

Bloggers have the option to accept an offer from a Pay Per Post advertiser to submit a blog entry based upon the advertiser's criteria. Once approved, the blogger receives payment in amount agreed upon.

Option II

If option number one doesn't sound like your cup of tea, Pay Per Post offers the opportunity for you, as a blogger, to negotiate directly with an advertiser. This option is called Pay Per Post Direct.
In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you would have to insert code on your blog. Once installed, the code will display a little widget, which lets advertisers know that you are open for paid blogging. Advertisers will then contact you directly and begin the blog/price negotiation process.
Use care when selecting this option. If your blog's readers come to your blog because of its authenticity, you may run the risk of letting your readers down if they know that your objectivity is tainted because you are being paid to follow an advertisers criterion. If your readers become disillusioned your blog's traffic might suffer as a result.
If, however, your readers understand that you offer information about products and services and are not bothered by your being paid for your blog posts, then by all means take advantage of this option.

Option III

If options one and two aren't your bailiwick, Pay Per Post offers yet a third option. You can become a Pay Per Post affiliate. This seems to be the least painful of all options. All you need is you put a bit of code that will result in an image on your website or your blog letting your readers know that the Pay Per Post opportunity exists and that they could sign up and begin earning money to blog.
Some people choose all three options or pick and choose one or two of them. Folks are earning money with Pay Per Post.

Page Rank Matters

Pay Per Post Advertisers prefer blogs with a page rank of at least 3. If your blog has a low page rank you won't be able to participate in as many offers as a blog with a higher ranking.

Requirements for Blog Approval

In order to be able to make money using Option I, your blog must be currently active. Pay Per Post checks to see if your blog has at least 10 entries within the past 30 days. If not, then you'll have to utilize Option II. Once your blog achieves the status of 10 blog entries within a 30-day period of time, you can then resubmit it for approval in order to use Option I.

Test it With Me

I decided to put myself to the test. Why not join me. I'm going to show you how you can make money with Pay Per Post. I've decided to Put My Mony Where my Mouth Is. Why not join me and follow my progress?

Simple way to get your Wordpress Blog traffic

Want to get more links to your blog, improve your WordPress SEO, get more traffic and make lots of money? Here are some ways you can do that with little or no money.

  1. Leave Blog Comments – Yes, this still works. Jus find related blogs and participate in the comments. Make sure your comments are relevant or it will probably be deleted. Although most blogs have the "no-follow" tag attached to a commenter's URL, it still helps you in terms of direct traffic, more exposure and other stuff.
  2. Do Trackbacks – Trackbacks, just like leaving a comment, can get you more traffic and links to your blog. If you and the blog you're linking to is using WordPress, a trackback should happen naturally. Otherwise you may want to manually use the "Trackback" feature in WP.
  3. Link Exchange – Start a small link exchange with your WordPress blog, choosing a handful of high-quality partners to begin with. Use a 3-way link exchange if you have more than one blog.
  4. Trade Blogrolls – You may also want to manually look for blogroll partners. Linking up with several high-quality blogs may help in your SEO cause more than you can imagine.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Agar Blog Anda diterima Broker Paid Review .

Setelah memahami cara kerja Paid Review di artikel sebelumnya. Pertanyaan yang muncul di pikiran para blogger yang hingga kini masih saja direject oleh broker Paid Review (Sponsored Review, Blogvertise atau ReviewMe) adalah:

Bagaimana agar blog kita diterima oleh broker program Paid Review tersebut?
Di artikel ini saya akan sharing sedikit bagaimana blog yang saya kembangkan saya daftarkan ke Paid Review dan mendapatkan approval dari para broker Paid Review. Karena sifatnya sharing, mungkin akan ada sedikit perbedaan pengalaman antara saya ataupun blogger lainnya. Jadi bila ada keterangan saya yang salah, mohon koreksinya di kolom komentar :)
Hal mendasar bagi sebuah blog untuk diterima oleh broker Paid Review memang bervariasi. Tapi bisa kita generalisasikan sebagai berikut.